MIlton Keynes Mobility strategy
Milton Keynes (MK) is blessed with a substantial structure of shared (pedestrian and cyclist) routes called Redways. When MK was drawn up there was some excellent work done laying out a comprehensive grid, please see google or streetmaps.
However, this infrastructure is now 50 years old, and some of the guiding principles have been forgotten.
MK is one of the fastest growing conurbations in Europe and the road network is starting to creak.
The strategy paper is 52 pages long.
If you don't have the time can I ask you will in the questionaire see appendix A.
Q5 Cycle Hire. Note MKs scheme has lost a lot of bikes. Cycle share schemes have been shown to move people out of cars and reintroduce/start people cycling. This needs support.
Q7 Redway network upgrade and extension. Infrastructure drives usage
Q7.2 Increase cycle parking around CMK. Security is a major issue in MK.
Q9 Cycle training in businesses, schools and higher education and community
Q27.Open comment. The original redways had underpasses and bridges such that there was no need to cross a road, providing a safe,fast and connected network. Recent developments have not included these provisions and cyclist have to wait for cars, take a chance which discourages usage. For cycling to takeoff it needs to be prioritised over the car, such that it is safe for all, connected and quick. Also the redways do not exist in the city centre, where dedicated pedestrian routes are identified and the cyclist pushed onto the roads. This discourages commuting use, especially to the station. A dedicated (cyclist only) route especially from campbell park to the station needs to be developed.